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Croeso i Dosbarth 10


Hannah Ponsford

Teaching Assistants:
Amy, Sadya, Natalie and Kara

Welcome to Class 10!

Our Spring Term topic is 'Raining Rainbows' and our Summer Term topic is 'Summer Celebrations'.


We are an active class who will be out exploring in all weathers so please make sure the children have wet weather clothes and wellies to use in school. We have forest school on Thursday.

We are learning about the world around us and our local environment, we have been exploring me, my family, my local area and Wales. Next half term we will focus on caring for our environment and what we can do to be eco warriors.

We are learning through play and motivating activities to encourage an interest in learning and a 'can do' attitude. Our staff have high expectations for each learner who will always be encouraged to do their best. We will be encouraged to increase our independence as we develop our skills for learning.

We are exploring our local environment, Wales and the wider world. We will take part many real-life experiences, trips and visits from the community. We will develop an understanding of the world around us and our role as a citizen of Wales. We will learn how to care for living things and the world around us.

We are exploring different ways to learn through structured tasks, play and a range of sensory activities. We are learning to work and play as a group, sharing our ideas with friends. Through Attention Autism and engaging activities, we are learning to share our attention with others.

We are learning to be more independent in our self-care. We are taking part in a food project to explore new foods and textures. We are learning about healthy relationships and how to communicate our wants and needs. We are exploring a sensory diet to help regulate and ready ourselves for learning

We are learning to become...

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