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Croeso û Dosbarth 6


Hûn bi xêr hatin pola 6.


Mamoste Laurie û Claire, El, Piers û Olivia ye.


Mijara têgînê 'Tiliyên qirêj, tiliyên pîs' e.

Wekî ku ji navê xwe diyar dike, di dema mijara xweya havînê de em ê bi gelek lîstikên tevlihev û lîstikên avê re mijûl bibin da ku meraq, afirînerî û xeyala xwe bişewitînin. Ji bo ku şagirtên me xwedan ezmûna çêtirîn gengaz bin, hûn dikarin ji kerema xwe gelek kincên yedek ên ku bi zelalî hatine nîşankirin peyda bikin.


Roja DuÅŸemê dibistana me ya daristanê, roja Sêşemê qada lîstikê ya xwarinê, roja ÇarÅŸemê trampolîna li derve, roja pêncÅŸemê hewza gogê û PE û roja ÃŽniyê hewÅŸa meya hestiyar a derve heye. 


Ji kerema xwe hûn dikarin pê ewle bin ku hûn tavê li zarokê xwe bikin berî ku ew werin dibistanê û ger ku hewa germ be, şûpê bişînin. 

We ensure that our staff have high expectations of pupils, setting them achievable yet challenging targets to ensure they reach their full potential. We support pupils with their communication and teach them the skills to be independent learners. 

We are learning about diversity within our community. We are ensuring pupils are ready to be citizens of Wales and the World by taking part in real life experiences, trips and visits from people who help us in our community. We are learning about sustainability and how to look after our planet!

We aim to develop new skills through a variety of learning experiences which include, play, focused and enhanced tasks. We are learning to understand our emotions and how we can express these through different media. We engage with tasks which involve us to think creatively and solve problems.

We are learning to look after our bodies and minds. We are exploring healthy foods and textures whilst taking part in a new food project. We are learning to build positive relationships with the adults and friends in our class.

Em hîn dibin ku bibin...

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