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Croeso û Dosbarth 6


Hûn bi xêr hatin pola 6.


Mamoste Laurie û Claire, El, Piers û Olivia ye.


Mijara têgînê 'Tiliyên qirêj, tiliyên pîs' e.

Wekî ku ji navê xwe diyar dike, di dema mijara xweya havînê de em ê bi gelek lîstikên tevlihev û lîstikên avê re mijûl bibin da ku meraq, afirînerî û xeyala xwe bişewitînin. Ji bo ku şagirtên me xwedan ezmûna çêtirîn gengaz bin, hûn dikarin ji kerema xwe gelek kincên yedek ên ku bi zelalî hatine nîşankirin peyda bikin.


Roja DuÅŸemê dibistana me ya daristanê, roja Sêşemê qada lîstikê ya xwarinê, roja ÇarÅŸemê trampolîna li derve, roja pêncÅŸemê hewza gogê û PE û roja ÃŽniyê hewÅŸa meya hestiyar a derve heye. 


Ji kerema xwe hûn dikarin pê ewle bin ku hûn tavê li zarokê xwe bikin berî ku ew werin dibistanê û ger ku hewa germ be, şûpê bişînin. 

Ambitious capable learners who can engage with a wide range of activities. We are learning that we can try new things and persevere with activities that we find difficult or challenging. We are learning to celebrate our achievements and take opportunities that are offered to us.

Ethically informed citizens who can engage and interact with others. We are developing our tolerances of our new classmates and learning that it is ok to have different opinions.  We are developing turn taking and sharing skills with others. We are learning about how the choices we make can impact on ourselves and those around us.

Enterprising and creative contributors who can express ourselves in different ways. We are learning about different ways to express ourselves, including gestures, signs, photos, symbols and spoken words. We are learning that we can communicate in a range of contexts.

Healthy confident individuals who are developing independence and awareness with our personal care and self-help skills. We are learning that we can come to adults for comfort, reassurance or to ask for help. We are learning about our emotions and what we can do when we feel happy, sad or frustrated. We are learning how to take care of our bodies and we are learning to process what our bodies are telling us.

Em hîn dibin ku bibin...

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