Croeso i Dosbarth 6
欢迎来到第 6 课。
老师是 Laurie 和 Claire、El、Piers 和 Olivia。
如果天气炎热,请确保您的孩子在上学前涂上防晒霜并送上帽子。 engaging in a wide range of activities.
... by learning to try new things and it is OK to find things difficult at first. working with independence. learning different people have different opinions and beliefs. learning to share and take turns in games and with toys. looking after our environment inside school and outside. engaging in forest school through active and creative activity. taking part in cookery sessions cutting and mixing things. expressing myself in different ways. learning the importance of washing my hands. knowing about people in my community that can help me. engaging with others in a variety of contexts.