Croeso i Dosbarth 6
欢迎来到第 6 课。
老师是 Laurie 和 Claire、El、Piers 和 Olivia。
We are ambitious capable learners who are learning through play and motivating resources to encourage an interest in learning experiences. We will be encouraged to increase our independence as we develop our skills for learning and our staff will have high expectations for each learner to do their best in all areas of learning.
We are ethically informed citizens who are exploring our local environment, Wales and the wider world. We are celebrating festivals and exploring different cultures and religions. We are tasting different foods from around the world.
We are enterprising, creative contributors who are learning to create artwork using a range of colours, tools and materials. We are learning through structured tasks, play and a range of sensory activities. Through Attention Autism we are learning to share attention with others.
We are healthy, confident individuals who are learning to be more independent in our self-care. We are taking part in exploring a range of new foods and textures and we are exploring a sensory diet to help regulate and ready ourselves for learning. We are also learning to build positive relationships with others and how to communicate our wants and needs.